Tudor-inspired castle
Guieded castle tour
Guided tour of Tjolöholm Castle
If you want to get the most out of your visit to Tjolöholm, go on a guided castle tour. We offer guided tours in english every day during the summer season.
Tjolöholms castle is one of Sweden’s leading Arts and crafts facility. Join the skilled guides on a tour and learn more about the castles’s history, architecture and interior decor. The tour consists of a roundtrip through the castle’s three floors and is 60 minutes long. Pre-book tickets or in terms of availability you can also purchase tickets on site in the shop or at the castle.
Daily castle tours in English on July 1–August 27
See current times and pre-book tickets here.
Daily castle tours in Swedish on June 20–August 27
See current times and pre-book your tickets here.
Tjolöholm Castle’s opening hours are 11:00–16:00 daily during this period of time.