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Welcome to a fascinating radio museum.

Are you interested in design and technology and looking for a big dose of nostalgia? Come to the radio museum in Gothenburg to wander down Memory Lane!

The museum is divided into different sections covering broadcasting, television, ships radio, costal radio, military radio, car radio, mobile telephones, measuring equipment and components.

The radio equipment in the broadcasting exhibition dates from the early 1900s up to the 1960s, with some modern equipment. You can listen to a medium-wave transmission via a crystal receiver from 1920 or to the newest digital radio technique.

In the marine radio section you can follow the development of ships radio from the old spark transmitters to the satellite receivers of today.

In the amateur radio section you can see the old hand built radio equipment from the 1920s and the advanced equipment of today. The museum has its own radio transmitter with the call sign SK6RM with which you can reach the whole world.

The military radio section shows us “portable” radio equipment which the soldiers had to carry around. Imagine having to carry a radio that weighs about 16 kg and then having to generate your own electricity by pedalling!

You can follow the development of mobile telephones from the earliest taxi, transport and police telephones to the modern mobile telephony and see how electronic measuring instruments followed the development process through the decades.